Learning As A Family
Meet Manikya and Aneisha
What have you learned through the library and what are you currently learning?
Manikya: “We have learned about being a part of community, especially Aneisha. Her learning here also includes her vocabulary, this [story time session] really is highly educational, and of course she enjoys it too. She loves coming, it’s helped her to learn routine, she knows every Tuesday is library day! Aneisha memorises everything she learns, the songs, and teaches them to her sisters at home, which is so important for her development. For me it is [coming to the library] a break from the regular parts of life, to spend time just me and my child, and to be myself.
I brought my oldest daughter to these sessions when we moved here 11 years ago, so when we had Aneisha I knew we had to bring her. The library offers so many things people don’t realise, the library has it! You make friends and community, it’s wonderful.”
What do you want to learn next?
Aneisha: “More stories and books.”